Friday, 19 September 2014

My Distractions

Hi guys, 

So in this blog I'm just going to be talking a bit about my distractions from Anxiety and Depression, and just some of the things I enjoy. Distraction may not be the perfect solution for long term issues, but for short term I've found it to be a really useful method! 

Like many of you, music has been a big help to me through the years. There's been plenty of times just listening to a bit of music has made me feel much better. I don't have a favourite artist as such. I just have a lot of favourite songs by different artists. A band that does stick out for me however is Paramore. When I was going through quite a bad time in school, it was roughly around the time that their "Brand new eyes" album came out, which I listened to on repeat almost everyday, I'm still a fan of theirs now. Different music relates to different people and the way they're feeling at that time, in one of my future updates I'll be sharing some songs that have helped me through some bad times, some of myfavourites, songs that I know of that have helped others etc. 

I find writing, art and reading quite relaxing things to do too. Art and writing give me a way to express myself depending on my mood and whatever I feel like doing. They're not things that I necessarily do every day, but they can help. A little distraction of mine also includes my family. I have a very big family, and a few little cousins who I'm very close with. Spending with them can actually make me feel pretty positive and distract me from other thoughts. 

Films and tv shows also play a big part in my distractions. Disney films have always taken the edge off of me feeling down, ever since I was a kid. There's something quite comforting about watching films that I've watched since I was that young, that and they always have this happy ending, where eventually everything makes sense and all the problems work themselves out. Films with complicated plots, mainly horrors and thrillers, are always good as I'm concentrating on them, it helps to distract me and take my mind off of other things. I watch many shows, more than I can keep track of really! But my favourite by far would be The Walking Dead. I can't quite put my finger on it, but there's something about this show that just acts as a distraction for me. The whole time it's on it gives me something to look forward to every week. And I must admit I always feel a little lost once the season has ended, there's always just been something about this show that's stuck with me since the first episode. 

Another one of my distractions is playing online games. For those of you who know of steam and how it works, that's what I use. It's a distraction for me, and it's also a way for me to feel comfortable socialising when I'm not feeling up to doing it in person. I can be joking around with people in a way that can be more suited to me at times. It can make a difference being behind a computer screen, being able to erase what you're saying if you change your mind, and not having to worry about face-to-face interaction all the time. With this I go through periods of not going on there for ages, to being on there every night. At the moment it's pretty mixed. But I get this sense of comfort on there, like I can be myself. I have a somewhat "strange" sense of humour and because of how some people have reacted to it in the past, it's put me off of being myself. I don't know why, because I've made some great friends online by just being me, so I need to start acting more like myself and not caring what other people think! 

There's a pretty much endless list of things you can do to distract yourself. Other than what I've mentioned, things that could help could include; exercise, puzzles and things that require your attention, talking to friends and going out, knitting, jewellery making, cooking, driving, making a blog of your own, just whatever suits you, there's nothing wrong with experimenting with these things, you could find something that helps! 

"Do you suppose she's a wildflower?"

~ Daisy 

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